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SAT Classes? Ace the Test with Individualized SAT Tutoring Instead

SAT Classes? Ace the Test with Individualized SAT Tutoring Instead

What sets RITES SAT Classes and SAT Tutoring Apart? RITES SAT and ACT tutors are fully certified and trained in SAT/ACT and other standardized tests. Most importantly, we use a one-to-one approach – rather than an impersonal, lecture-style setting. Rather than SAT...
Rhode Island Dyslexia Learning Center offers Dyslexia Tutoring Programs

Rhode Island Dyslexia Learning Center offers Dyslexia Tutoring Programs

RITES Dyslexia Learning Center Offers Dyslexia Tutoring Programs in Providence and RI  Is your student among approximately 20% of the population that struggles to read? The sooner you get the support of qualified dyslexia tutoring programs at a dyslexia learning...
Rhode Island Dyslexia Learning Center offers Dyslexia Tutoring Programs

Dyslexia Tutoring Programs at RITES RI Dyslexia Learning Center

RITES Dyslexia Learning Center Offers Dyslexia Tutoring Programs in Rhode Island If your child is dyslexic or has a similar learning difference, you’re not alone. Approximately 15-20% of the population has difficulty learning to read. These students need the...
Math Tools and Math Tutors to Help Your Child Excel

Math Tools and Math Tutors to Help Your Child Excel

Math Tools, Math Tutors to Help Your Child Excel Math Problems Frustrating Your Child? RITES has Solutions! Math is a subject that many students find challenging. But why is math so hard for some children and not others? And which math tools and strategies are...

3 Tips to Overcome Reading Angst to Boost Your Comprehension

Improving Reading Comprehension for High School Students Reading comprehension is best developed simply reading more often. By the time a lot of teenagers have entered high school, however, school has kind of ruined reading in general. All they remember are dense...

Reading difficulties: Are you seeing these signs in your student?

Learning to read and understanding what is being read are common problems for many students. It is common for struggling readers to also have difficulties with writing and spelling in addition to reading difficulties. Poor reading skills can be the cause of low...