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Literacy Assessment

We offer literacy assessments, using research-based tools and materials to determine students’ strengths and weaknesses in these core areas that are key to the reading process:


Phonological awareness













The assessment is conducted by one of our expert, certified reading specialists. The results assist educators in customizing instruction to each student’s specific needs and aligning with the student’s learning level.

Assessments take approximately two hours and are personalized to each child’s needs. A written report is mailed. Then, parents can schedule a follow-up consultation to discuss the results and recommendations.

Assessments are given at a separate stand-alone fee. Contact us for more information.

To Schedule Your Child’s Assessment

Upcoming Workshops and Webinars

Reengaging Disengaged Readers

Reengaging Disengaged Readers

January 11, 2025

Webinar Presented by the Austin International Dyslexia Association.
An Innovative Digital Reading Intervention to Support Dyslexic, Struggling, and Multilingual Learning Readers – Adolescent through Adult

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SAT Virtual Overview February Workshop

SAT Virtual Overview February Workshop

February 10, 2025

For High School Students.

Are you taking the digital SAT?  Join us for our SAT Virtual Overview Workshop to learn about the digital SAT format, get test-taking tips, and work on practice questions with Marilyn Salisbury, M.Ed.

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SAT Virtual Overview April Workshop

SAT Virtual Overview April Workshop

April 7, 2025

For High School Students.

Are you taking the digital SAT?  Join us for our SAT Virtual Overview Workshop to learn about the digital SAT format, get test-taking tips, and work on practice questions with Marilyn Salisbury, M.Ed.

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Mastering Reading: Discover Noah Text®

Noah Text Logo Cropped
Grounded in the science of reading, Noah Text® is a specialized, evidence-based, scaffolded text that shows readers the structure of words. This, in turn, bolsters their reading skills, providing them with independence and greater enjoyment of the reading process, no matter what they read.

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Find a tutor near you

RITES certified teachers tutor students in person at convenient locations in many communities throughout Rhode Island, and southeastern Massachusetts, meeting students at our learning center, local libraries, and at schools. Virtual tutoring is also available.

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