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Rhode Island Dyslexia Learning Center offers Dyslexia Tutoring Programs

RITES Dyslexia Learning Center Offers Dyslexia Tutoring Programs in Providence and RI 

Is your student among approximately 20% of the population that struggles to read? The sooner you get the support of qualified dyslexia tutoring programs at a dyslexia learning center, the faster your student will gain confidence and overcome this life-limiting challenge. For decades, Pawtucket-based Rhode Island Tutorial and Educational Services has offered:

  • summertime dyslexia tutoring programs and
  • individualized work with local-to-you tutors whether year-round, in summer, or during the school year.

Read below for more details.

The initial consultation is free. Individual tutoring sessions cost $60 each, plus a $25 annual fee covering registration and all course materials.

As you already know, dyslexia can consequently be painful for a child. Trying to learn in a classroom environment that does not accommodate his/her needs and learning style is frustrating. Because of this, the RITES dyslexia learning center offers dyslexia tutoring programs with certified teachers.

Furthermore, each teacher at the RITES dyslexia learning center possesses at least 10 years of teaching experience in Orton-Gillingham, Wilson, and other methodologies, and we have certified teachers with special training to work with students with dyslexia.

RITES’ dyslexia learning center uses the proven Orton-Gillingham, Wilson, and other multisensory-learning methods that are so effective in helping students with dyslexia succeed.

Summertime Dyslexia Tutoring Programs at RITES Dyslexia Learning Center

Third-grade teacher Liz Ford is one of the hand-selected, certified teachers that transforms students’ lives during RITES’ summer school programs. She teaches using methods like Orton-Gillingham to customize to students’ needs and to quickly boost learning – along with empowering students with tools and skills.

Third-grade teacher Liz Ford is one of the hand-selected, certified teachers who transforms students’ lives during RITES’ summer school programs. She teaches using methods like Orton-Gillingham to customize to students’ needs and to quickly boost learning – along with empowering students with tools and skills.

RITES’ intensive 5-week summer literacy programs begin in July and have helped countless students learn to read, write, and spell successfully, whether they experience dyslexia or are generally struggling to learn to read and spell.

In fact, RITES’ Providence-based summertime Code Breakers program is especially popular for students entering 2nd through 6th grade.

For example, RITES’ Orton-Gillingham certified teachers will ask a student to use shaving cream to spell out words or letters on a desk while the students speak the words aloud. Students also enjoy using provided iPads to access the Lexia Core 5 literacy program, software that uses game-based activities to encourage reading and reinforce classroom learning.

Crucially, Code Breakers also has a certified occupational therapist who works with students on spatial orientation, motor coordination, balance, sensory integration, and directionality.

Upon completing Code Breakers, students consequently report feeling more confident, independent, and successful in the classroom.

Learn more about RITES summer program Code Breakers: Unlocking Reading, Writing, and Spelling

RITES One-to-One Dyslexia Tutoring Programs: Summer, School Year, or Year-Round

RITES also offers individual tutoring with an instructor trained in dyslexia tutoring programs. With this type of help, your child doesn’t have to struggle and suffer in the classroom. RITES dyslexia tutors will help your student learn listening, speaking, reading, spelling, vocabulary, and more.

RITES offers local dyslexia tutors in the following communities:

  • Providence,
  • Pawtucket,
  • East Greenwich,
  • Cumberland,
  • Cranston,
  • Smithfield, and
  • many other RI, CT, and MA towns.

Rhode Island Tutorial & Educational Services
334 East Avenue – Suite 3 Pawtucket, RI 02860

Speak with a RITES Dyslexia Specialist

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