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SAT Classes? Ace the Test with Individualized SAT Tutoring Instead

SAT Classes? Ace the Test with Individualized SAT Tutoring Instead

What sets RITES SAT Classes and SAT Tutoring Apart? RITES SAT and ACT tutors are fully certified and trained in SAT/ACT and other standardized tests. Most importantly, we use a one-to-one approach – rather than an impersonal, lecture-style setting. Rather than SAT...

3 Tips to Overcome Reading Angst to Boost Your Comprehension

Improving Reading Comprehension for High School Students Reading comprehension is best developed simply reading more often. By the time a lot of teenagers have entered high school, however, school has kind of ruined reading in general. All they remember are dense...
High School: 2 Key Questions You Should Be Asking

High School: 2 Key Questions You Should Be Asking

These key questions open the pathway for your child’s school success The new school year is underway. Students, teachers, and parents have settled back into the regular routine (for the most part). It’s time to check in. Do you know how your child is...
8 Secrets Revealed for Mastering Exams

8 Secrets Revealed for Mastering Exams

As final exams approach, it can seem like a week that you will never survive; and yet, each year, millions of students do.  The trick is to survive and feel like you gave it your best effort without all the stress and sleepless nights cramming the night before.  Here...