by aspire | Aug 26, 2024 | Achievements, high school, high school students, high schoolers, RITES, SAT, SAT accommodations, SAT Classes, SAT preparation, study skills, Test-taking
The New Digital SAT: Information You Need to Know The Digital SAT is a new format of the SAT test given by the College Board. The College Board has adapted the test based on many factors and information gathered from the COVID-19 lockdowns, access concerns, and more....
by aspire | Feb 25, 2020 | ACT accommodations, ACT preparation, Education, high school, high school students, high schoolers, Math, math help, math tutoring, private SAT tutoring, Reading skills, Rhode Island Tutors, RITES, RITES Programs, SAT, SAT accommodations, SAT Classes, SAT preparation, standardized test prep, summer, Summer academics, Summer Programs, Summer Programs RI, trouble with high school math, Tutoring
What sets RITES SAT Classes and SAT Tutoring Apart? RITES SAT and ACT tutors are fully certified and trained in SAT/ACT and other standardized tests. Most importantly, we use a one-to-one approach – rather than an impersonal, lecture-style setting. Rather than SAT...
by aspire | Oct 4, 2018 | Achievements, ACT preparation, anxiety, anxiety, Better grades, Education, Grades, Grades, help with school, high school, high school students, high schoolers, Homework, learning difficulties/differences, organization, Parents, Programs, RITES, RITES Programs, SAT, SAT preparation, School stress, standardized test prep, struggling, study skills, Tutoring, Uncategorized
These key questions open the pathway for your child’s school success The new school year is underway. Students, teachers, and parents have settled back into the regular routine (for the most part). It’s time to check in. Do you know how your child is...