by Halley Lavenstein | Nov 19, 2024 | back to school, Blog, communication, Education, eighth grade, Elementary school, fifth grade, first grade, For Parents, For Students, fourth grade, Grades, Help, help with school, high school, high school students, Parents, Primary school, Rhode Island Tutors, RITES, RITES Programs, second grade, seventh grade, sixth grade, third grade, Tutoring, Uncategorized
These key questions open the pathway for your child’s school success The new school year is underway. Students, teachers, and parents have settled back into the regular routine (for the most part). It’s time to check in. Do you know how your child is doing? Do you...
by aspire | Aug 26, 2024 | Achievements, high school, high school students, high schoolers, RITES, SAT, SAT accommodations, SAT Classes, SAT preparation, study skills, Test-taking
The New Digital SAT: Information You Need to Know The Digital SAT is a new format of the SAT test given by the College Board. The College Board has adapted the test based on many factors and information gathered from the COVID-19 lockdowns, access concerns, and more....
by aspire | Dec 14, 2023 | ADHD, Education, eighth grade, exams, Executive function, finals, Grades, high school, high school students, learning difficulties/differences, Math, organization, organizational challenges, RITES Programs, School stress, seventh grade, sixth grade, study skills, study skills curriculum, Summer Programs RI, Test-taking, Time Management, trouble with high school math, Uncategorized
Difficulty with Studying and Organizing? Students who have not developed necessary study skills are at a disadvantage in the classroom and as future employees. Effective study skills are essential to becoming an independent learner, who can function well in both...
by aspire | Sep 15, 2023 | ADHD, anxiety, Better grades, Executive function, Executive functioning, Executive functions, high school, Homework, learning difficulties/differences, online learning, organization, RITES, RITES Programs, School stress, struggling, study skills, study skills curriculum, Uncategorized, virtual instruction
Secrets to Executive Function Success, Even with Virtual Instruction! What is Executive Functioning? Executive functioning is how our brains handle learning, organizing and prioritizing information. It also involves decision-making and implementation of strategies to...
by aspire | Jan 25, 2021 | Academic support tutor, Better grades, Education, Foreign Languages, Help, high school, Learning at home, online learning, online learning tools, Programs, Rhode Island Tutors, RITES, RITES Programs, School stress, Spanish, Tutoring, Uncategorized
Want to do better in Spanish class? Meet Candy Salazar Reilly, RITES Spanish language specialist. Candy works with students of all levels and all ages to improve their Spanish skills. Her passion has always been to teach, and she feels she is most at home when in the...
by aspire | Mar 22, 2020 | Education, eighth grade, Elementary school, Executive function, fifth grade, first grade, fourth grade, Grades, Help, help for home, high school, home school, Homework, Learning at home, learning difficulties/differences, math help, Parents, Reading, Reading & Writing, science, second grade, seventh grade, sixth grade, third grade, Time Management, Writing skills
By Saskia Nilsen RITES learning specialist and education advocate I homeschooled my son last year due to medical reasons. Here is what I learned about how to schedule the day. I hope some of these ideas will help you structure your day during this difficult time when...