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SAT Classes? Ace the Test with Individualized SAT Tutoring Instead

What sets RITES SAT Classes and SAT Tutoring Apart?

RITES SAT and ACT tutors are fully certified and trained in SAT/ACT and other standardized tests. Most importantly, we use a one-to-one approach – rather than an impersonal, lecture-style setting. Rather than SAT classes, RITES offers a comprehensive starter package for individualized SAT/ACT tutoring with trained and certified teachers. See below to let us know how RITES can best help your student.

Standardized Testing TutoringSAT Tutoring, sat classes

Furthermore, RITES certified teachers can also analyze if there are problem areas. Is there a difficulty in understanding how to approach a certain question type? Is it a lack of commitment, anxiety, or poor time management? Or is a learning difference making certain concepts more challenging?

If your student is facing any of these challenges, we can address them directly and successfully.

The Starter Package for individual lessons is $720 and includes:

  • An initial strategy meeting to create an individualized study plan
  • Practice books and materials
  • Full-length proctored tests scored and analyzed
  • 8 hours of individual instruction

RITES offers standardized testing tutoring to high school students in grades 10, 11, and 12 living in Providence, Pawtucket, East Greenwich, Barrington, and surrounding areas. We provide instruction in not just the SAT and ACT but also the ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, COOP, TACHS, and GED.

In fact, RITES also offers specialized test preparation tutoring for students with learning differences.

Click here to learn more about RITES Resources for Standardized Test Preparation.

Individualized Tutoring for the SAT & ACT

RITES’ Specialized Standardized Testing Resources: Learn More

Rhode Island Tutorial & Educational Services
334 East Avenue – Suite 3 Pawtucket, RI 02860

Speak with a RITES SAT/ACT Specialist

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