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New Digital SAT

Student sitting at a computer smiling.

The New Digital SAT: Information You Need to Know

The Digital SAT is a new format of the SAT test given by the College Board.  The College Board has adapted the test based on many factors and information gathered from the COVID-19 lockdowns, access concerns, and more. This transition to a digital format marks a significant shift from the traditional paper-based test and is designed to modernize the testing experience for students. Here is some helpful information as you plan for your teen’s SAT experience:

The New Digital SAT: What is the same?

  • Scoring will still be a 400-1600 scale
  • Verbal Section: Reading and Writing
  • Math Section
  • Availability of practice tests on Khan Academy
  • Similar concepts and content
  • Math questions are similar to current paper-and-pencil test

The New Digital SAT: What is different?

  • Format is digital and adaptive
  • Test length is shorter at 2 hours and 15 minutes
  • Scores will be available faster
  • Testing done on your own personal computer
  • A calculator can be used in both math sections (not just one section, as it is now with the current version)
  • Online calculator integrated into the test
  • Availability to take at school during the school day at educational institutions that opt to offer this
  • No bubble (answer) sheets or booklets to fill in
  • Reading and Writing passages are much shorter – up to 150 words (current SAT passages are up to about 750 words)
  • Each passage has only a single question
  • Annotation tool to highlight, underline and take notes

What is a Digital Adaptive Test?

An adaptive test model adjusts the difficulty of questions based on the performance of the person taking the test. Instead of wasting time on questions that are too easy or too challenging, students will spend more time on questions at their skill levels. Adaptive testing allows the SAT to provide accurate scores with fewer questions. However, the SAT’s content won’t change much. The digital SAT is still focused on the same set of math and verbal questions. An adaptive format makes the digital SAT more efficient.

What are the Benefits of a digital assessment?

  • Makes the test more secure as materials cannot be leaked or tampered with
  • Has convenient scheduling and more testing dates
  • Improves accessibility with enhanced features for students with disabilities, such as adjustable screen sizes and screen readers

Join Us

Monday, February 10th, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Our Live Virtual SAT Overview Workshop

The class is taught live using interactive Kahoot software, so space is limited to 15 students.

Are you taking the digital SAT?  Join us to learn about the digital SAT format, get test-taking tips, and work on practice questions.

You will come away with:

  • Knowledge of helpful free websites to support planning for the SAT
  • Useful strategies to help you get started studying for the SAT
  • A packet of SAT information and helpful tips to increase your score
  • Full-length SAT with scored report given to each student on completion of the workshop for those who are interested



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