by Halley Lavenstein | Nov 19, 2024 | academic slide, Academic support tutor, Achievements, Education, Elementary school, Equity in Education, For College and Adults, For Parents, For Students, For Teachers, Grades, learning difficulties/differences, learning loss, Math, Reading, Reading & Writing, Reading skills, regression, Rhode Island Tutors, RITES, RITES Programs, Science of Reading, Structured Literacy, struggling readers, Test Preparation, Uncategorized, Writing skills
Our Students Aren’t Learning New test data for RI students is out and it isn’t good. RICAS scores for literacy and math are troubling, staying flat for math and dipping below last year’s results for literacy. According to The Providence Journal (1), only 30.8% of...
by aspire | Dec 15, 2021 | Donations, Education, equity, Equity in Education, Giving, Rhode Island Tutors, RITES Programs
Equality and Equity in Education Everyone deserves access to quality education. When we educate, we empower. Equality and Equity in education are not the same. Equity is when one person learns in one way, and another person learns in a different way, but they each...