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SAT Virtual Overview February Workshop
February 10, 2025

For High School Students

Are you taking the digital SAT?  Join us for our SAT Virtual Overview Workshop to learn about the digital SAT format, get test-taking tips, and work on practice questions with Marilyn Salisbury, M.Ed.

Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:00-8:00 p.m. EST

Cost: $50

The class is taught live using interactive Kahoot software, so space is limited to 15 students

You will come away with:

  • Knowledge of helpful free websites to support planning for the SAT
  • Useful strategies to help you get started studying for the SAT
  • A packet of SAT information and helpful tips to increase your score
  • Option to take a full-length SAT with a scored report on completion of the workshop for those who are interested

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Hi Pam, The scores just came out, and I got a 1460. I got 9 wrong on the Reading Section, 0 wrong on the Writing and Language Section, 1 wrong on Math No Calculator and 4 wrong on Math with Calculator Section. Thank you for taking the time to help me with the SAT and greatly improve my score. This will help me get into the colleges I am applying to.

 SAT student

Wes’s SAT was really good! He went up 250 points from the PSAT. Thanks so much!

Nancy (parent of SAT student)

Great news, Anna improved a lot on her SAT’s! She got a 670 in English and 540 in Math. Whoo hoo! She would like to continue to improve - are you offering tutoring this summer? Sign us up if yes! You mentioned working over the summer and taking the August SAT. Thank you thank you for all your care and guidance.

Kate  (parent of SAT student)