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Study Skills for Lifelong Success

Difficulty with Studying and Organizing?

Students who have not developed necessary study skills are at a disadvantage in the classroom and as future employees.

Developing effective study skills is essential to becoming an independent learner, who can function well in both academic and workplace settings.

Today’s jam-packed school curricula don’t teach study and organizational skills. Thus, many of today’s students don’t know how to study, prepare for a test, or manage time. Furthermore, students with ADHD and/or Executive Functioning challenges often lack study skills.

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Signs a person is lacking study and/or organizational skills:

  • Completes homework, but doesn’t hand it in
  • Papers are everywhere
  • Forgets books at school/home
  • Manages time poorly
  • Does major projects at the last moment
  • Becomes anxious when taking tests
  • Does not know how to study for tests
  • Takes poor notes
  • Reads a textbook, but does not remember information

What are study skills? Why are they important?

Study skills enable us to organize and learn effectively. They help us to gain and retain information. These abilities are crucial to academic and workplace success. They include such skills as:

  • Organization
  • Time management
  • Reading comprehension
  • Note-taking
  • Goal-setting
  • Preparing for exams

If students understand that the brain can be developed like a muscle, they will be empowered to take control of their learning. 

RITES offers study skills classes that focus on improving these study and organizational skills:

  • Working memory
  • Note-taking
  • Time management
  • Exam preparation
  • Reading techniques
  • Memorizing information

Students gain an understanding of how their memory works and how information is transferred from working memory to long-term memory. This is important in order to be able to recall the information for tests and quizzes. In these sessions, students practice concrete techniques, such as SQ3R, mindmaps and two-column note-taking. Students learn highly effective, active strategies for putting reading and lecture information into long-term memory.

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